Tips for Effective Signage in a Retail Environment

Tips for Effective Signage in a Retail Environment

Tips for Effective Signage in a Retail Environment

If you run a retail outlet, you will already know that signage is a critical aspect of your business, as it attracts potential customers, encouraging people to walk into your store. If you aren’t already doing so, you should make the best use of available technology to create signage that is effective and engaging, and with that in mind, here are a few tips on how to create the best signage for your store.

Use the Right Fonts

When talking to a sign shop, ask them which fonts the most popular, and dark, bold fonts are not always the right choice. Certain messages should be more prominent that others, such as discount and sales offers, and you want a font that is easily read, and with the right choice of colour, your message will hit home. Softer fonts are associated with building trust in the customer with certain brands and avoid any font that is difficult to read.

Keep It Simple

The digital world has resulted in people using fewer words to get their message across, and this also applies to retail signage. Resist the temptation to add “fluff” words, which might be appropriate in a brochure or leaflet, but not with retail signage. Keeping your message clear and concise will help the viewer process the information, and the signage company can certainly advise you on this, as they have a wealth of experience with retail signage.

It’s All About Location

Where you put your signs has an impact on their effectiveness, and by walking around your store, look for locations that immediately catch the eye. The most effective location for interior retail signage is at eye level, so try to place your signs in prominent areas that people are naturally drawn to. If a product is not selling well, try relocating the signage, which might just be the answer, and by analysing sales and customer behaviour, you should be able to make informed decisions on your signage.

Make the Best Use of Available Technology

The use of neon and digital signage can be very effective, although you must be careful not to overdo things, which merely creates a chaotic environment that confuses the customer. A digital light box on the shop window, for example, will draw people’s attention, and the units are fully programmable, allowing you to change your message at any time.

Trial and Error

Over a period of time, you can collate data that will help you to identify the signage that is most effective, and with a little tweaking here and there, you should end up with very effective signage that gets your message across. Moving a discount sign, for example, should yield some form of change, and if you notice a specific product that sells well, this might be due to the signage location.

Signage is a critical element of any retail business, and by following the above tips, you should be able to make your signage a little more effective.